Development of myPSUP eLearning Platform

SDGs: No Poverty, Quality Education, Sustainable Citi and Communities
Country/Region: Africa, Carribean and Pacfic region

The Need

As an UN agency committed to implementing SDGs (SDG 11) and collaborating with stakeholders, UN-H’s PSUP programme aims to strengthen institutional and stakeholder capacity in slum improvement through good governance and management approaches. Promoting its adoption across the ACP countries requires uniform content, seamless delivery and continuous monitoring of learning and adoption.


ASSIST entered into a cooperation agreement with UN-H for: the design and development of online learning content in multiple languages; establishment of an online /mobile platform catering to low-bandwidth countries and carrying this content; provision of ongoing support for user management, technology maintenance and content support; and support in the facilitation of a coherent approach towards Private Sector Engagement (PSE) in slum upgrading initiatives

Our Output/Impact

30+ hours of eLearning modules in English and French and learning support for 1,000+ learners in the target region Adoption and support from key stakeholders and gov’t leaders from the ACP region A 3-day virtual forum to foster engagement and partnerships between PSUP and the private sector, the event was attended by 150+ regional leaders to explore innovative, investable solutions to urban development in African cities.

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