Instructional design and eLearning development on Environmental and Social Safeguards

Sector:Energy and Natural Resources
SDGs: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Citi and Communities
Country/Region: Asia Pacific

The Need

Implementing projects in remote areas or across regions can be a limiting factor for effective and time-efficient communication. In light of this, ADB issued a project that aims to provide easily accessible instructional material concerning involuntary resettlement, and indigenous peoples safeguards for its staff/members. In doing so, it allows for the disemmination of information that reduces time costs without compromising the level of information shared across ADB.


With assistance from ADB, ASSIST was tasked to cover the development of e-learning courses, which included conducting requirements analysis, designing, developing, implementing the e-Learning course, as well as consultation work concerning the content and methodology of the e-Learning course.

Our Output/Impact

Collaborating with the Environment and Safeguards Division Team, preparations necessary for instructional design such as implementing work plan preparation, and a requirements analysis to determine the appropriate course outline were developed. Based on the work plan and requirements analysis, the instructional design, interface design, and usability testing of an e-Learning prototype, development of e-Learning courseware and online testing, and development of the evaluation methodology to assess participant performance were completed. To promote the eLearning course, ASSIST developed promotion marketing plans for the course as well.

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