Roads2SDGs: Design and Dissemination of Videos and Magazines promoting Good Governance

SDGs: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable Citi and Communities
Country/Region: Philippines

The Need

At present, only 24.6% of all provincial roads in the Philippines are of acceptable quality, with the remaining roads either unpaved or are in poor condition and need rehabilitation. With the underdevelopment of rural roads being a significant hindrance to inclusive development, the program Roads2SDGs was implemented to provide support to governance reform, and quality assurance aspects of the “Road2SDGs” framework necessary for improved construction supervision. However, to strengthen the initiative’s progress, increased awareness on the potential benefits of the project to heighten support and initiative was necessary.


UNDP selected ASSIST through a competitive bidding process to develop communication materials that will feature advocacies, success, and best practices from the Roads2SDGs project.

Our Output/Impact

To complement and emphasize the benefits of the program, a series of communication materials which consist of instructional videos on construction guidelines, quarterly magazines, and documentary videos were developed covering best practices, human interest stories and benefits achieved by the LGUs. These publication materials were created to showcase stories that feature the impact of the project on its beneficiaries, as well as provide guidance to maximize the benefits of the program.

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